Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 1 of my first rotation

Today was Day 1 of my new (and first) rotation list. (I planned to start yesterday but I wasn't able to motivate myself to do some stitching). Kipper was first on the list and this is what I did. I stitched a little of the blanket that lies around his legs and feet. I know it doesn't look like much but it is about two hours' worth of stitches. It was a very relaxing stitch as it is all the same color, so I am happy and ready for bed :)


  1. Great progress! I can't wait to see more of this!
    Spud is just adorable!! We have an 8 year old Lhasa. She is our spoiled baby:)

  2. I love the colours on the Kipper. So warm and friendly stitching. :)

  3. I really like the theme and look of your blog! I'll be interest in how you get on with your rotation - how you like it...

  4. Kipper is growing :) I am in my second day of the rotation now and so far, so good . . .


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