Title: Disenchanted Christmas
Author: Sandra Sookoo
Genre: Historical Paranormal Romance Novella
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Publication date: 01 December 2010
Author’s website: http://www.sandrasookoo.com/
Source: The Romance Reviews
This is the first novella I have read by Susan Sookoo but it will definitely not be the last! Susan has such an easy writing style that it drew me right into the lives of Bethany and Blake. I rooted for them from the start!
Bethany has cared for her niece and nephew since her sister's sudden death and life has been hard. Unfortunately this Christmas, it gets even harder when she is evicted from the boarding house they live in. As if that is not enough, she is also unfairly fired from her waitress job. I have to admit that although I felt sorry for Bethany, I admired her for making the tough choices. She is not someone that takes life lying down.
Blake is an elf that has lost the spirit of Christmas and has been banished from Santa's court and the Northern Realm. When he sees Bethany in the restaurant he is eating at, he immediately feels a connection to her. At first he resists his "friend" trying to persuade him to proposition Bethany for a night of passion. But when he sees her coming out a back alley behind the restaurant where she works, he cannot resist it anymore and kisses her.
Bethany is scandalized and Blake feels her fury when she slaps him (Sandra captured this scene perfectly and had me giggling out loud).
I really felt for Bethany when she had to bring herself to the point of showing up on Blake's doorstep -- kids in tow. On the other hand, Blake shows what a good man…er, elf he is by welcoming everyone without batting an eye and pretty soon, the magic of Christmas works miracles.
The romance between Bethany and Blake builds slowly but surely and their scenes together are very sweet and tender. I must admit that I had to hide some tears towards the end of this story but that was only because it was so beautiful and romantic.
This is a fairly light romance and there is only one love scene but it is very sensitively described. I would recommend this novella for a light afternoon of reading in front of the fire.
This review was originally written for The Romance Reviews - http://www.theromancereviews.com/viewbooksreview.php?bookid=1160.
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