Today, we meet Sophie, author of How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back. I just love getting a glimpse into an authors life, don’t you. So over to Sophie!
A day in the life of a historical novelist
First of all I’d like to thank Chrizette for hosting me here today – I’m a big fan of her blog and am absolutely thrilled to be here!
Becoming a recognized romance writer has been such a whirlwind experience for me that I still can’t quite believe it is happening. How great is it to be able to do what you love day in and day out, not just as a hobby, but because people actually have a genuine interest in your work?
Having only recently begun to share the details of my writing career with people, I’ve been met with an astounding amount of support and congratulations, usually followed by tons of questions about the genre and my plots in particular. I think a lot of people are under the assumption that my days must be truly extraordinary to inspire such stories. Well … occasionally, but most days are not.
My life revolves around my family – my wonderful husband and incredible boys whom I love with all my heart and soul. The stories I write are mostly fiction, meant to entertain and explore human behavior – our flaws, our fears and our desires. They are the product of many hours of hard work – work that can only be done by patiently placing your butt in a seat and staying there until your ideas for the day have finished pouring from your head onto the paper (or onto the shiny pixels of your word processor, to be more precise :o) )
So here’s a play by play of a day of my life…not as exciting as the stories I write perhaps, but perfect in every way that matters.
7:00 am – I awake, just in time to get the kids ready for school – we have 1 ½ hour to get dressed, pack their lunch and have breakfast together before getting out the door.
9:00 am – Drop the kids off at school and do a quick bit of grocery shopping on the way home.
10:00 am – Having poured myself a hot cup of tea, I start going over my e-mails, checking my social network pages and responding as best I can to my friends and fans If it happens to be Friday, I post my weekly romance recommendation…wink wink (shameless bit of self promoting :o) ).
10:30 am – I turn to my manuscript and cringe, wondering how the heck I’m going to manage getting my work done before picking up the kids again. I have a general plan, but usually let the characters lead the way. After staring at the screen for a few minutes, hoping for an epiphany to get me started, I just begin writing … something…anything… to get things going… and then suddenly the story comes back to life and I can’t seem to stop again.
1:00 pm – Break for lunch – something quick that I can eat while I check my e-mails, answer a few tweets and FB messages .
1:30 pm – Write, write, write.
3:15 pm – Jump in the car to go pick up the kids.
4:00 pm – Afternoon tea with my husband and the kids. Once that’s over and the kids run off to play, I start writing again.
5:00 pm – Prepare dinner – anything from steak and vegetables, to pasta, to grilled chicken…whatever it is it usually takes me under 1 hour.
6:00 pm – Everyone flocks together at the table for dinner, but since the kids are usually done in under 10 minutes, my husband and I have a few quiet moments to ourselves…bliss. Unless of course the kids need either one of us to help them load a new computer game, or get to the next level of yesterday’s game. :o)
6:30 pm - I have just a bit more time to write before getting the kids ready for bed at 7:00 pm. Ideas are always popping into my head…all I need is a little more time to…oh well, it’s 7:00 pm =)
7:00 pm – Get kids into PJ’s, brush teeth, read story, sing song and cuddle – love it!
My kids are normally asleep around 8:30 pm, after which my husband and I usually manage a little more quality time either talking or sharing a couple of hours in front of the TV. We follow a lot of series and have a DVR so there’s always something good on (Big Bang Theory, Revenge, House, Dr. Who, Supernatural, Whitney…to name only a few). If I have a deadline, I drop the shows and write some more at this point, but right now I’m just moving forward at my own pace, so all I need is to fill my self-imposed daily quota – roughly four - five hours of constant writing required.
Finally, I cozy up in bed with the latest book I happen to be reading, until I eventually dose off around midnight – lights out by 12:30 if I’m not asleep, so I’m not a complete zombie the next day.
Less exciting than you imagined perhaps, but peppered with the simple pleasures that life has to offer, a bit of time with my loving family and doing what I love. Not sure I’d change any of it for all the adventures in the world. ;o)
Thank you so much for stopping by. I’ll be popping in throughout the day to chat with you and to answer any questions you might have. So feel free to leave a comment or two for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card =)
If you’d like to share the last day of my tour with me, please stop by http://romancingrakes.blogspot.com/ tomorrow. Hope to see you again soon =)
To find out more about me, How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back or my upcoming releases, please visit my website at: www.sophiebarnes.com
To see the book trailer for How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back, please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1u7IYNSU6Y
Emily Rutherford is having a very bad day. Of course, having the man you’ve loved forever, announce his engagement to your (now very former) best friend will do that.
Emily is sure nothing good could possibly come out of this horrid situation. But she lets her sisters and Adrian’s cousin, Francis Riley, the delectable
but brooding Earl of Dunhurst, convince her a season in London will be just the thing.
Now Emily has a choice: sulk in a corner while her sisters enjoy the glitter of the ton. Or become the belle of the ball, dazzling everyone on an earl’s arm. But as Francis helps Emily get back on her feet, she quickly realizes that a childhood crush is nothing compared to the power of true love.
Author Bio:
Born in Denmark, Sophie has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish and Romanian.
She has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor’s degree from Parson’s School of design, but most impressive of all – she’s been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.
While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion – writing.
When she’s not busy, dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading. She currently lives on the East Coast.
Thank you, Sophie!