Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Waffle stitch crochet project

As I have been a little "under the weather" for a while now, my mother-in-law has been staying with me to help out with the ordinary day-to-day stuff that still needs to go on.  During this time she has taught me to crochet.  And I love it - it is so relaxing and you can do it from bed listening to an audiobook!  Great!!

Since then I have been searching YouTube and found some wonderful video by Bella Coco (love her channel).  One being this waffle stitch tutorial - caught my eye immediately.

Once you get the hang of it, it works pretty easily.  Here is my effort so far.  I might be "frogging" it later today as it is a bit big.  Might have over estimated when I started it a week or two ago.  I will start a new one immediately, just smaller in size.

1 comment:

Thank you for saying hello.