Monday, October 17, 2011

Adding to my Wish List (14)



When I read the blurb of this new dystopian novel, I didn’t know if I would read it . . . I hate unhappy endings and the last sentence of the blurb say: 
“. . . and they are lost to each other.” 
But I wanted to keep an open mind, so I read a review or two and then visited Traci’s website.  This is the first of a romantic trilogy.  Thank goodness.  The story sounded so lovely, I am glad that I will be able to add it to my read list.

It is on my wish list but will definitely not be read before I have the second and third book as well – I hate cliff-hangers and will not be able to wait for a next book to be released. :)   Here is the blurb:

Goodreads blurb:
When the world ends, all that is left is love. Mysterious lethal mists have scourged the Earth, killing billions of people. As chaos descends, Emma guides seven children through France to the scarce safety that remains. Along the way she meets handsome, charismatic Arthur, who leads a small band of men with a safe, strangely well-provisioned camp. Emma strikes a bargain with Arthur for the security of her little tribe. She does not realize that Arthur hides a dark secret. The madness of the end days imparts psychic gifts to survivors, and Emma finds herself with inexplicable healing powers. These powers draw the attention of a cruel gang who kidnaps Emma. Emma must save the dying son of the gang’s leader or be killed. Arthur rescues her, and she begins to realize how deeply she has fallen for him, despite knowing nothing of his past. Hungry and battered, terrified and traumatized, survivors make their way to Arthur’s camp. Danger also arrives: a cannibalistic rogue band takes up a position on their western flank. Arthur’s men prepare for battle while racing to recreate technology for communication. Finally they make radio contact with the remnants of civilization in Canada. Canadian authorities have been in communication with a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. The ship harbors hundreds of starving, trapped people. Arthur and his men are their only hope. To save them, Arthur must move his camp. On the journey they are attacked by the crazed rogue band. Emma fights for her own life and the lives of her newfound family. One of her beloved children dies, and Emma turns to Arthur for comfort. At the moment of their sweetest love, his devastating secret is revealed, and they are lost to each other.

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